When you find yourself with a layover for an extended period of time in Bergen, Norway, consider it just one more opportunity for … source
Tag Archives: Day
A long layover in Phuket, Thailand, could mean a romp on the country’s largest island or an uneventful day at the airport. source
A long layover in Guadalajara, Mexico, could mean a boring stay at the airport…or an adventure in the city. Choose the latter and … source
If you’ve landed a long layover in Budapest, Hungary, start planning your itinerary. After all, there’s no need to waste the day in the … source
A long layover in Singapore is a blessing in disguise. With hours to go until your next flight, you have plenty of time to get out of the … source
A layover in Las Vegas, Nevada, doesn’t have to mean taking naps and eating airport food until your next flight. Instead of cozying … source
When you’re stuck with an extended layover in Los Angeles, consider it the perfect excuse to get out and explore the city. source